Well I've been using dropbox and goodreader on the iPad and they work great however I only have 50GB on my drop box account. Since I have a server running 24/7 I though why not take out the middleman and access my WHS directly!
I noticed in the goodreader app on the iPad there was a webdav setting (follow the link if you want to know what webdav is), so I did a google search and came across a addin for WHS, that will enable webdav on WHS, aptly named WebFoldersForWHS.
1. Install and setup WebFoldersForWHS
Following the normal procedure for installing addins on WHS I quickly had the software installed. Now the tricky part I missed the first time around. Go to the Webfolders icon on WHS and right click to add the folders you want to share. To check and see if it works right click on a shared folder, click open, this should open a browser window, enter your credentials and you should see a list of your files. Make note of the URL you will need it when setting up GoodReader on your iOS device.
2. Install and set up GoodReader on your iOS device
Go to App Store and install Goodreader. It runs on iTouch, iPad, iPhone. Tap WebDownloads > Connect to Servers and (in the create new connection to section) tap Any WebDAV Server. You can put in any title and then put in the URL to you server, username and password.
Thats all there is to it enjoy!!
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